Receiving 500 ANTIVIRUS SOLUTION products to support health care for meritorious people and their relatives. Meritorious people

Posted on 19 Month 07 2024

On the afternoon of July 20, 2023, the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province held a ceremony to receive 500 ANTIVIRUS SOLUTION products - oral solutions, nasal sprays, and throat sprays (worth 900 million VND) by Xi Jinping Joint Stock Company. Truong Sinh Finance and Technology Development Group supported.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Vu Dinh Trung, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; Mr. Nguyen Tri Dung, General Director of Truong Sinh Financial and Technology Development Group Joint Stock Company; Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hoa and Mr. Nguyen Quoc Vinh, Members of the Board of Directors of Truong Sinh Financial and Technology Development Group Joint Stock Company and representatives of 14 policy families of 04 agencies: Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province ; Representative Board of the Provincial Elderly Association; Provincial Association of Former Youth Volunteers; The Revolutionary Soldiers Association was captured by the enemy and exiled to the province.

Mr. Nguyen Tri Dung, representative of Financial Development Group Joint Stock Company
and Truong Sinh Technology presented support plaques

Mr. Nguyen Tri Dung, representative of Truong Sinh Financial and Technology Development Group Joint Stock Company, expressed and shared the purpose of the support program to pay tribute, visit and take care of people with meritorious services and their relatives. contributed to supporting and overcoming the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic - Joining hands for community health on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2019). 2023).

Mr. Vu Dinh Trung, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee
Give a thank you letter to the supporting unit

Mr. Vu Dinh Trung, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, sent his thanks to the Board of Directors and employees of Truong Sinh Financial and Technology Development Group Joint Stock Company. At the same time, Mr. Vu Dinh Trung pledged that the gifts will be transferred to the right beneficiaries by the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee. co-cong-3172147/

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