Chairman of Bac Giang Provincial People's Committee directed the urgent implementation of measures to prevent diphtheria epidemic

Posted on 09 Month 07 2024
  • On July 8, Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Giang province directed the urgent implementation of measures to prevent and control diphtheria epidemic in the province.

According to a report from the Department of Health, on July 7, 2024, the case of Moong Thi B, 18 years old, temporarily residing in Trung Tam village, Hop Thinh commune, Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang province (permanently residing in Pha Khao village, Pha Phat commune, Ky Son district, Nghe An province) tested positive for diphtheria (B is 1 of 2 cases who had close contact with a death from diphtheria in Ky Son district, Nghe An province ). According to the initial investigation, in the travel schedule from July 1, 2024 to July 6, 2024, in addition to some karaoke bars in Hiep Hoa district; The case went to a karaoke bar in 1990, address: An Lac village, Trung Gia commune, Soc Son district, Hanoi city at about 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. on July 4, 2024.

To proactively prevent and fight diphtheria epidemic and minimize the number of cases and deaths due to diphtheria in the province, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested relevant departments and localities to urgently and seriously implement the following contents:

The Department of Health continues to closely monitor the diphtheria epidemic situation in the country and in the province, early detection, and timely quarantine instructions to prevent the epidemic from spreading and prolonging. Organize training and update knowledge for health units across the province on surveillance, sample collection, diagnosis, isolation, first aid, and treatment of diphtheria according to instructions from the Ministry of Health .

Vaccinating children at Safpo Bac Giang vaccination clinic.

Strengthen supervision and direction at all levels, support and guidance to lower level units to early detect cases or suspected cases of the disease for early isolation and treatment. Continue to direct units to promote expanded vaccination work. Organize make-up and booster vaccinations for cases that have not been fully vaccinated with vaccines containing diphtheria prevention components.

Directing the collection, treatment, and emergency care of patients, minimizing serious cases and deaths. Ensure adequate medicines, vaccines, biological products, supplies, chemicals, and medical equipment to meet the requirements for medical examination, treatment, and epidemic prevention and control. Organize inspection and supervision of the implementation of epidemic prevention and control in areas with outbreaks and localities with low vaccination rates. Timely report the diphtheria epidemic situation to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Health according to regulations.

Hiep Hoa District People's Committee immediately informed localities outside the district included in the case's travel schedule to promptly deploy epidemic prevention and control measures. Review and strictly manage cases of close contact with cases, take samples for testing, disinfect and treat the environment according to regulations. Organize strict monitoring of cases traveling to, from, and returning from areas with diphtheria epidemics; Early detection of disease cases, zoning and thorough treatment of outbreaks, preventing widespread spread.

Strengthen propaganda about measures to prevent and control diphtheria and the benefits of diphtheria vaccination, perform well the expanded vaccination work, ensure that vaccinated subjects are fully vaccinated with all types of vaccination. Vaccines are being deployed locally.

Regularly inspect, monitor and grasp the developments of the diphtheria epidemic in the area. Ensure funding, human resources, quarantine areas, drugs, chemicals, supplies and equipment for epidemic prevention and control, ready to respond when an epidemic occurs.

The Department of Information and Communications directs media agencies to increase propaganda and provide information so that people can better understand diphtheria and disease prevention measures, specifically: Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease. dangerous, the disease is transmitted directly from a sick person to a healthy person through the respiratory tract or indirectly through contact with objects contaminated with excretions of a person infected with diphtheria bacteria, the disease has the ability to spread rapidly, occurs in both adults and children. When there are signs of fever, sore throat, cough, you must immediately go to a medical facility for examination, consultation and treatment. The most effective way to prevent diphtheria is to get vaccinated fully and on schedule.

Provincial departments, branches, branches and organizations strengthen propaganda on measures to prevent and control diphtheria epidemic to all officials, civil servants, public employees and workers of agencies and units; Encourage people and relatives to get children vaccinated against diphtheria with enough doses and on schedule to prevent the disease.

* SOURCE: -135727.bbg

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